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KAHOʻOLAWE ISLAND RESERVE COMMISSIONKŌMIKINA MĀLAMA KAHOʻOLAWEMEETING AGENDA - September 24, 202410:30 amIn person at 1151 Punchbowl St, Room 132 (DLNR Board Room, Kalanimoku Building) Honolulu , HI Online via ZOOM, ZOOM LINK: livestreamed at YouTube Live: This meeting will be held using interactive conference technology under section 92-3.7, Haw. Rev. Stat. (HRS). Commission members, staff, applicants, testifiers, and the public can choose to participate in person, online via Zoom, or by telephone. The public may also view the live meeting via its live stream at: https://youtube.com/live/jnBkRzkp27o?feature=share To Provide Written Testimony:We encourage interested persons to submit written testimony in advance of the meeting, which will be distributed to Commissioners prior to the meeting and allow a timely review. Please submit written testimony via email to:KIRC.PublicTestimony@hawaii.gov. Written testimonies can also be mailed to 811 Kolu St, Suite 201, Wailuku, HI 96793 or faxed to (808) 243-5885. Late written testimony will be retained as part of the record and distributed to Commissioners as soon as practicable, but we cannot ensure the Commission will receive it in sufficient time to review, prior to decision-making. To Provide In-Person Oral Testimony:Attend in-person at: 1151 Punchbowl St, Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawaii. To Provide Testimony by Telephone:On the day of the meeting at the start of the agenda item you wish to testify on, dial: 1-346-248-7799 (Zoom), at the prompts enter: Meeting ID: 873 4885 9616 Passcode: 2T4FsF. Note: to unmute, press *6 . To Provide Video/Zoom Testimony:Email your request in a timely manner to: KIRC.PublicTestimony@hawaii.gov with your information, email address, and the agenda item you wish to testify on. Once your request has been received, you will receive a confirmation email with pertinent information. You may testify without signing up in advance. I. CALL TO ORDERII. APPROVAL OF MINUTESA. Draft Minutes of June 26, 2024 Regular Commission Meeting III. COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC COMMENTS*IV. ACTION ITEMSA. Review and Approve Legislative Positions for 2025 Session B. Authorize Executive Director to extend Base Camp Contract with Dawson, Inc. for FY26 C. Authorize the Executive Director to solicit, select and award Communications Management Contract for FY26 D. Review and Approve Redescription of the Cultural Resources Project Coordinator Positionto Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve Commission (KIRC) Project Management Coordinator Position V. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESSA. Executive Director's Report 1. Status Update on Budget, Finance and Funding: Review Expenditure Report and Budget Variances 2. Status Update on Plans, Policies and Procedures:Review Long Range Schedule 3. Status Update on Administration, Staffing and Personnel: Report on Status of Current Commissioner's Appointments; Report on Commissioners' terms expiring at end of FY2024; Report on New KIRC Staff hires and recruitments 4. Status Update on Capital Improvements, Reserve Operations and Logistics: Update on on Base Camp Capital Improvement Project; Joint KIRC/PKO Honokanaiʻa Mua Project VI. PROJECT STATUS UPDATESA. Status Update on Current Commission/Administration Projects: 1. KIRC Live-Stream and VR Expedition Project (IMLS 4) 2. Going Mobile: Upgrading the Technological Infrastructure of Kahoʻolawe Island Reserve Commission (IMLS 5) 3. Sharing the Stories of Kahoʻolawe's Past, Present and Future (HTA) B. Status Update on Current Restoration Projects: 1. Coastal and Upland Wetland Restoration on Kahoʻolawe, HI (NAWCA-Wetlands) 2. Ka Palupalu o Kanaloa Partnership Project (Kanaloa Working Group Project) 3. Kamōhio Watershed Restoration Project 2023-2026 Phase I (DOH 6) C. Status Update on Current Ocean Program Grant Projects: 1. Coastal and Upland Wetland Restoration on Kahoʻolawe, HI (CWC Grant) 2. Developing a Digital Application for the Collection of Kilo ʻIke Pili (IMLS 6) VII. NEXT MEETING AND FOLLOW-UPSVIII. ADJOURNMENTIf you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact Terri Gavagan, KIRC Commission Coordinator at 808-243-5020 or KIRC.PublicTestimony@hawaii.gov as soon as possible. Requests made as early as possible have a greater likelihood of being fulfilled. Upon request, this agenda and other materials are available in alternate/accessible formats. Packet materials may be viewed prior to the meeting at the KIRC website: http://www.kahoolawe.hawaii.gov/home.php and are available for review at our office located at 811 Kolu St, Suite 201, Wailuku, HI during regular state office hours and will also be available at the meeting. Back to top |